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A true Pomsky should be a hybrid between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian or the offspring of such crossings with nothing else mixed in. They exhibit traits from both breeds. If you have ever owned one or the other or maybe even both Huskies and Pomeranians you will find it fascinating to see these traits in your Pomsky. They can have any combination of these traits. We find our Pomskies to be very smart agile little dogs. They are problem solvers much like the Husky and they can get board and get into mischief.  They do seem to make better watch dogs than huskies and are very affectionate like the Pomeranian. Also like the Pomeranian our Pomskies tends to be very focused on its owners and they enjoy love and praise. However, unlike most Pomeranians our Pomskies tend to go off and find there own space after some snuggle time. Most Pomskies will howl/talk a lot like huskies do but not as much. They also love to run and require daily walks or a nice round of fetch in the back yard. Most quality 1st generation Pomskies are all averaging 15-25 lbs fully grown and come in a rainbow of colors. Other generations will vary a bit more for now as we play with different content and combinations. I will have more size info on specific litters.  Please know a Pomsky is NOT a Pomeranian sized husky. You will not find a 5lb Pomsky. Be cautious of people claiming this is a toy breed.  They can have blue eyes or brown eyes or can be bi-eyed (two different colors).

Our Adults

Of course not all pomskies will look like this but here you can see we are really starting to pin down some beautiful traits. 

What's The difference?


Weight: 30-60 lbs
Height: 20-23.5 in

Energy level: ★★★  

Exercise requirements: ★★★★
Playfulness: ★★★★
Affection level: ★★★★
Friendly to dogs: ★★★
Friendly to other pets: ★★★
Friendly to strangers: ★★★★★
Ease of training: ★
Watch dog ability: ★★★
Protection ability: ★
Grooming requirements: ★★★
Cold tolerance: ★★★★★
Heat Tolerance: ★


Weight:  10-25 lbs
Height: 10-15 in

Energy level: ★★★★          

Exercise requirements: ★
Playfulness: ★★★★
Affection level: ★★★★
Friendly to dogs: ★★★
Friendly to other pets: ★★★
Friendly to strangers: ★★★
Ease of training:★★★
Watch dog ability: ★★★★
Protection ability: ★
Grooming requirements: ★★
Cold tolerance: ★★★
Heat Tolerance: ★★★                 


Weight: 3-5 lbs
Height: 8-11 in

Energy level: ★★★★

Exercise requirements: ★
Playfulness: ★★★★
Affection level: ★
Friendly to other dogs: ★
Friendly to other pets: ★★★
Friendly to strangers: ★
Ease of training: ★
Watch dog ability: ★★★★★
Protection ability: ★
Grooming requirements: ★★★
Cold tolerance: ★★★
Heat Tolerance: ★★★

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